
Tips πŸ“Œ

These are just some personal tips from personal experience studying in Operating System 2021-2022 Class. Feel free to follow if you find it wise 😁

1. Study from last year’s exam 🎯

πŸ“ This is helpful to understand what we actually learn in this course and to answer the weekly quiz. So stay tune for the synchronous class as the exercise walkthrough is demonstrated there with no recording.

2. Use explainshell.com to browse bash command🎯

πŸ“ This website is essential to comprehend what the command does. You can just type the command there and read the explanation by its corresponding parts. note: hop to my links page for other resources

3. Read each post from our lecturer on SCELE thoroughly and frequently 🎯

πŸ“ Don’t miss weekly contact on forum, don’t miss your name on attention forum, don’t miss anything from forum :)

4. Notice that assignments, forums, and quiz will be parsed to be graded 🎯

πŸ“ Follow the writing instructions.

5. Take your time to make yourself comfortable with vi editor 🎯

πŸ“ Watch tutorial from YouTube and compose a mini draft of frequently-used vi commands, then you will be good to go.

Djangan bersoesah hati :") U caaaaannn!

πŸ’» with β™₯️ by Feibs